Thursday, May 14, 2009

Samantha's Baptism - 5/3/09

The girl is Meghan - she was Samantha's first LifeGroup leader this year (she moved to Dallas in January after graduating from Baylor, and Samantha was devastated).
And of course, the little man on the right is my baby Davis! :)

I love the intense look of concentration on Davis' face! :)

Beautiful moment!

And precious Davis praying over his sister! AWESOME!!!

The way baptism works at Antioch is pretty awesome in my book. We go off of the charge of the Great Commission out of Matthew 28:19

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

In fully believing that, we believe that everyone that has been saved becomes a disciple of Christ, and therefore we have all been given the charge to make disciples of others (lead them to Jesus), and to baptize them.

So, it is very special to watch baptisms here, because the people baptizing and praying over the person being baptized have had significant impact on the person's life.

So when you decide to be baptized, you have to decide who is going to baptize you and who is going to pray over you!

Davis was soooooo super excited when Samantha asked him if he would pray over her after she was baptized! And his prayer was one that shook the church! That boy has It! And he uses It!!!


David's Baptism - 5/3/09

The guy with the microphone is Shoan - the leader of Elevate.
The other guy is Chris - a fellow Elevate student, and a great friend of David's.

I know this one is very, very fuzzy (give me a break, cause I was squatting in front of the baptismal pool, trying to watch everything, take pictures, and see through my happy tears! :) ), but I absolutely LOVE David's face in this one! Awesome moment! :)

So sorry for the silence!

I am very tired at the moment, so this probably won't be very long... :)

But I would like to apologize for the lack of communication and information here lately. Life has been pretty crazy around this place - work has kept me quite busy in all the hours that I'm not sleeping or taking care of my babies, and when I would have a few minutes of time where I did have the chance to write a sentence or two, my computer decided to revolt against me, and I could not get it to allow me to get on my blog page! :P So has taken me a while to get here.

Anyway, please know that lots of great things have been happening here lately! :) Namely, God has been writing my book with me again - lots of brainstorming and late night typing has been happening here lately! :) And it is EXCITING!!! :D So far, I have the title of the book, 15 chapter titles, and the general idea of all 15 chapters - along with a life story for each chapter, and lots of good thoughts, quotes and ideas colliding! :) Yay! :)

I have pictures from Samantha and David's baptism last Sunday, but I won't be putting them up tonight. I really must be making my way to bed soon... :)

Alrighty then. I thank you for putting up with me even when I am not writing or saying very much...or anything at all really... :) And thank you for always loving and encouraging me!

Love you all dearly!
Have an awesome rest of the week! :)