We're hoping to get the file to the UPS Store first thing tomorrow, so we can get the copies made, fold them up and send them on out! :) They have a lot of money to raise, and a very short time to do it in!
In other news...
The kids and I took "Valentine" pictures on Friday night while Sharon and David were in Dallas for an Elevate thing.
We got really snazzy, lol, and got two of the dining room chairs, a kitchen stool, and both the comforters off Samantha's bunkbeds to create a backdrop! :D Yeah...we're good!
When we started the process, the chairs and stool were all sitting up on top of Davis' bed - it's a twin - and we had the comforters draped over it...it took an eternity to get any decent pictures like this, because no one could move very fast due to the fear of falling chairs, stools and comforters.
Davis leaned back on the "backdrop" with a little too much force, and went right through the chairs - effectively tearing down our lovely setup! :)
Samantha's face is priceless!
It took me several minutes to regain composure so I could assist in digging Davis out of the rubble, and getting him off Samantha! :) But boy was it humorous! :)
None of the pictures before this had made any of us happy. Either one of us was using a "fake" smile, or we weren't looking where we were supposed to, or my hair was sticking up straight off the top of my head, like Alfalfa, because it kept getting caught on the comforter! :D But I love this one! :) Davis' laugh is infectious and absolutely precious! Oh! The beauty in the innocence of a child's giggle! :)
Samantha and I did slightly better...or maybe it is more because we had moved the backdrop down to the floor, and we weren't having to be so very careful about how we sat, moved, and breathed! :)
I do love these children with all my heart! They are precious! And my time with them is priceless!
I remember back to a few short months ago when I refused to have my picture taken, because I couldn't stand looking at the picture. But now I thoroughly enjoy our fun little "photo sessions" - and I enjoy looking at all the pictures!
I know one day, when I am not able to put my arms around them like I can right now, they will mean even more to me than they do now...
It's amazing how much your attitude can change when God gets a hold of you... :)
So...I know I have a TON of stuff to catch you up on, and this was just "fun stuff," but I promise I'll be working on a "real" update soon! :)
Until then...
I love you!
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