I am Vanessa Ahngelina Murray. I am a fifteen-year-old female. I am a ninth grade student at Habersham Central High School. I am a child of the King! I am a work of God! I am my own person. I am unique and creative. I am strong and independent. I am happy and fulfilled. I am a thinker. I am a person that tries not to worry but never succeeds. I am the spitting image of my mama. I am strong in my views and opinions. I am the type of person who analyzes everything. I am usually willing to try anything once. I am not scared of heights. I am the type of person that gets hyper when I stay up too late. I am sensitive. I am careful about what I say to others. I am happy with the life God has given me! I am excited about every opportunity God has already provided for me! I am excited about living a life for Christ! I am learning each day to appreciate everything I have a little more. I am realizing how special family is. I am a teen volunteer at Northeast Georgia Medical Center. I am caring and understanding. I am learning a little more about life every day. I am a good listener and a perpetual talker. I am an avid reader. I am a dedicated daughter and friend. I am growing daily in my Christian walk. I am a devoted Christian and youth group member. I am a virgin. I am a lover of God and a hater of cats. I am an eternal optimist and a peacemaker. I am involved in the lives of the people I love the most. I am an individual!
I like knowing that I will eternally live in Heaven with the one true Father. I like the feeling I get when I talk to the ones I love. I like waking up in the morning, knowing that God has allowed me to live one more day. I like having luxuries that some people will never know about: phones, plumbing, television, computers, electricity, heating and air, clothing, paper and pencil, planes, food, shelter, and water. I like receiving snail mail from friends and family. I like getting notes from friends. I like knowing that I am loved. I like coming home to find messages from friends and family on the voicemail. I like watching the sun set over the ocean, painting the water with magnificent colors in the summer. I like watching the red, gold, yellow and brown leaves float off the trees in the autumn. I like watching snowflakes fall around me making the world white in the winter. I like seeing everything come alive again in the spring. I like getting meaningful email from friends and family. I like the feeling of being cared for. I like being able to read, write and comprehend things. I like being able to look around me and see God's magnificent grace. I like looking into the face of a newborn baby and knowing that God has a plan for it. I like looking into the face of an elderly person and knowing that God has allowed them to live a long, fulfilled life. I like the ability to see, hear, walk, talk, and breathe. I like being able to learn, live, and love. I like dreaming about the future, thinking about the past, and living in the present. I like being able to have a free education. I like having choices and making decisions. I like having friends, family, and church family members that truly care about me. I like knowing that no matter what I do in my life, God will always be with me, and forgive me for everything I have done, as long as I trust Him and let Him guide me! I like knowing that I wil never, ever have to be separated from the ones I love as long as they accept the presence of our Awesome God in their hearts!

I do not care for people that abuse others. I do not care for people that do not walk their talk. I do not care for mayonnaise or cats. I do not care for women that choose to have an abortion over taking responsibility for their own choices and actions. I do not care for hypocrites. I do not care for people that take advantage of others. I do not care for people that believe in witchcraft, palm readers, and horoscopes. I do not care for rap, rock, or jazz. I do not care for polluted air or littered streets. I do not care for stuck up cliques. I do not care for people that think alcohol, drugs, and sex are what make you a better, happier person. I do not care for stereotypes. I do not care for parents that set cruddy examples for their children, when they don't even know who they really are. I do not care for people that think they know it all. I do not care for people that judge others as if it were their job. I do not care for people that think they're better than everybody. I do not care for the racism and sexism in our country and all over the world. I do not care for the language that is used in movies, music, magazines, books and on radios today. I do not care for people that answer everything with violence or denial. I do not care for the rising HIV, AIDS, and cancer cases in our world. I do not care for the school shootings that are starting to happen all over the United States, and seem to get closer to us as the time passes. I do not care for people that think money equals happiness and fulfillment. I do not care for people that think that God isn't real and alive!

I believe in God. I believe in each of us having our own personal guardian angel. I believe in the Bible. I believe in myself. I believe in my family and friends. I believe in the teenagers of America and the teenagers of the world! I believe in women being equal to men. I believe in all my plans, dreams, hopes, goals, and aspirations. I believe in respecting everyone. I believe in having to earn the respect of others. I believe in trying to better yourself. I believe in miracles. I believe in love. I believe in true love. I believe in love at first sight. I believe in love at first chat. I believe in miracles. I believe in sharing secrets. I believe in keeping secrets. I believe in dreams coming true. I believe in God leading you to where you are to be. I believe in staying away from things that can damage your self-respect, reputation, and health. I believe in everyone being his or her own person. I believe in divine intervention. I believe in having a soul mate God made just for me. I believe in saving myself for my future husband. I believe in the power of a kind word, a hug, and a smile. I believe in living every day to the fullest extent, because you never know when today will be your last tomorrow! I believe in the power of prayer!

I am tired of hearing about the Georgia flag issue. I am tired of hearing about the violence in our world. I am tired of hearing about politics. I am tired of hearing about the Mark Reed thing. I am tired of hearing people say that just because we're young, we can't influence this world in a positive way and that all teenagers are bad. I am tired of hearing about abuse cases. I am tired of hearing about people that drink, drive, and kill. I am tired of hearing about people that use others to get themselves higher in the world. I am tired of hearing about the Clinton and Monica scandal. I am tired of hearing about political promises that never come true. I am tired of hearing about athletes and how great they are. I am tired of hearing about movie stars and all the other "important people" in our country that think they don't have to set an example for the people watching their lives. I am tired of hearing about the people that take up for them saying, "They don't have to watch what they do; they're only human." I am tired of hearing about people that walk out on their families, in the hardest of times. I am tired of hearing about everything that goes wrong in the world; why can't the newspapers, movies, magazines, books, music, and radios focus on the positive things that are happening?

I am tired of hearing about the Georgia flag issue. I am tired of hearing about the violence in our world. I am tired of hearing about politics. I am tired of hearing about the Mark Reed thing. I am tired of hearing people say that just because we're young, we can't influence this world in a positive way and that all teenagers are bad. I am tired of hearing about abuse cases. I am tired of hearing about people that drink, drive, and kill. I am tired of hearing about people that use others to get themselves higher in the world. I am tired of hearing about the Clinton and Monica scandal. I am tired of hearing about political promises that never come true. I am tired of hearing about athletes and how great they are. I am tired of hearing about movie stars and all the other "important people" in our country that think they don't have to set an example for the people watching their lives. I am tired of hearing about the people that take up for them saying, "They don't have to watch what they do; they're only human." I am tired of hearing about people that walk out on their families, in the hardest of times. I am tired of hearing about everything that goes wrong in the world; why can't the newspapers, movies, magazines, books, music, and radios focus on the positive things that are happening?

This was originally written as a project in my 9th grade Honors' Literature class.
Wow... :)
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