First off, let me just start off by saying, that as of today, we are officially
ONE MONTH from wedding day. Wow...
And the title...well, just ask Mama - that is the sign that should have gone before me for the past two months! :) As I've been sorting, packing, moving and working on wedding stuff... But now at least one of the two homes I've been stringing between is all cleaned up and peaceful once again! :) (Mama's very excited about that! :) )
The past two months have been filled with all kinds of stuff - mostly good... :) We have planned the wedding of my dreams - a labor of love by everyone involved. And have moved all my stuff (except clothing and stuff I will be needing for the next month) from Demorest to LaFayette. And Ryan and I have been working dilligently to mesh our two worlds together in our home - another labor of love... :)
Last Sunday we had our first wedding shower, and it was beautiful! I will admit, that I don't usually care very much for attending showers, as they are usually very chaotic, and you can't see or hear what's going on, it's loud, and basically, it's just very unorganized. However, this shower was great! Majorly in part to the ladies that were hosting - my mother-in-law-to-be, Connie; her sister and my pastor's wife, Kim; our music minister and family friend, Joy; and my incredible friend, and bridesmaid, Brandy. There was just a peace and calmness in the room, that I can't even explain... It was just incredible. And incredibly beautiful! I'll have to post pictures! We were showered with love, support, encouragement, prayer, and of course, gifts! :) We got some incredible stuff! It's almost as if they could see into my brain, as the items we received were all my "top picks" off the registry! :) Yay! :)
Tomorrow is our reception gathering thing at Ryan's grandparents' (Connie and Kim's parents) land in Chatsworth. I'll be getting to meet his extended family for the first time. So, I'm excited about that! :) Mama is headed over here this evening, to spend a little time with us before tomorrow - so of course I'm excited about that, as well! :)
Wednesday, I got our bedroom painted! And it's beautiful, if I do say so myself...and I do! :) I'll have to post pictures of it as well! :) I'll do that after Ryan hangs everything for me this evening - he's quite the handyman! :)
Anyway, I think I've rambled on enough, but at least I've gotten you a little bit caught up! :) I'll give more wedding details later, and I'll post pictures of the shower here soon! :)
Love you all!