Wow...where to even start! :) It's been an absolutely all over the place week, and though here I am on a Friday morning, I'm not sure where the past week has gone!
Samantha has been having track practice now for 3 weeks, and we've pretty much gotten all of the pick up and such down to a fine art, right in time for Davis to start soccer practice, which instead of being just two days a week, as it was in the Fall, will now be THREE days a week! :P Samantha's practice ends at 5:15, Davis' begins at 5:30. What does this mean, you may be asking... Why this means picnic dinners! And extremely long days for the kids. ...at least Davis does get to be at home for a little while before he has to go to practice.
However, Davis couldn't be more thrilled about his team, because it is basically the same team he played with during the Fall - same coach, and a lot of the same kids. So that's good! They'll continue growing and learning together! :)
Samantha is going to the meet today! :) Running the 800m! She made the cut yesterday, and could not have been more thrilled! :)
Speaking of today...
(First a little back story...)
For The Lynn's to start 24:14 in the Fall, move in 2010, they must gather LOTS of supporters. In order to do this, they must attend some kind of two-day financial aid training seminar that teaches them how to properly seek support, and apparently assists them in setting up whatever kind of account they will need for the duration of their time overseas. Sharon called on Wednesday to seek out more information about when this class would be held, and was told that it would be in July.
If you don't know, Sharon, David and the kids will be gone to Thailand most of June (I will drop them off at the Dallas airport on Saturday, June 6th and pick them back up on Saturday, June 27th), and they will also be gone for a few weeks in July, as they had told the kids they would take them to the beach one more time before they leave the country for good - they will be headed to Florida...I think...
Anyway, Sharon, knowing her schedule for the summer, was quick to let the man know that there was a very small window that she would actually be able to attend the seminar, and he didn't see it happening in the window she had available - added to the fact that they can't start seeking support until they have gone through the class, and you have quite a situation on your hands (they have to have ALL financial support in place for the 2009-2010 year - because you can't have full time jobs and be a 24:14 student...David has been throwing around ideas of part time jobs he could take on...but they're going to be in class Monday thru Friday 8:30a to 12:30p, plus other various activities and such they will have to be a part of... - plus 2 or 3 - I think - years "in the field" when they start class at the first of September...). The guy laughingly told her there would be a class Thursday and Friday of this week, from 8:30a-5:30p, but said he knew that would be an impossibility - this man obviously doesn't know Sharon... :) She came to me Wednesday afternoon while we were frantically trying to get everyone where they were supposed to be for the evening, along with getting people fed, showers taken, homework finished, and studying for tests completed, and asked if I thought it would be possible for this to work.
There had to be some additional phone calls made on the church's side of things, to "ok" Sharon to take the class alone - both parts of the couple are supposed to take it before raising support. They finally said that it would be ok for her to be the only one to take it...as I said earlier...they obviously don't know Sharon... :D
Anyway, Thursday was pretty straightforward, because I didn't have anything going on, and I take care of the kids on Thursdays anyway...
However, Friday looked to be quite frantic. My orientation at Target is today from 11a-3p. Davis gets out of school at 3:05 and walks home. My job puts me about 15-20 minutes away from the house... Samantha gets out of school at 3:20, and if she rides the bus, gets home around 4:05. Add to that, that I have Urban Children's LifeGroup on Friday's, and have a girl that I have to pick up at 3:45, and then have to rush across town to get the other at 4 and then get to LifeGroup. So...I was going to have to get Samantha from school, then come home to Davis, then go pick up Tammy, then Yazkara and then on to LifeGroup with the kids in tow (yes, it is a girls' LifeGroup, but Davis is a very good sport! :) ), and then I would drop the kids off at the church after our LifeGroup ends at 6, because their family LifeGroup is volunteering at The Feast tonight, and they have to be there to help. Then would do the rest of my LifeGroup stuff with my girls, and finally wind up at home! Whoosh! But we had it figured out. Until yesterday afternoon...
When Samantha ran up to me during practice (Davis and I had gotten there early to watch her practice), handed me a sheet of paper, and told me she was getting to go to today's meet! I was thrilled, and a bit overwhelmed! I had no idea how she was getting there, or how she would be getting back. Put that on top of the fact that this is her first meet, and none of us would be able to be there...and I wanted to throw up!
After her class, Sharon called to check to see how the afternoon had gone, and she and I began to strategize for today. While we were on the phone, she also informed me that David was heading home, as he felt horrible, had a fever (he has been very sick, off and on, for the past three weeks or so...not good...) and would not be going to Elevate, but would be coming home to seclude himself in his bedroom instead. (We won't go into detail as to how upset the kids - and I - were that we weren't going to have the night to ourselves...especially after being stuck at practice fields on our only other night to ourselves :D) He finally made it home, and made his floor pallet in the bedroom to sleep on, and off he went for the night.
This morning, it was decided that Samantha would get more information about this meet - directions, school name, something! - and would call me with the information. From there, I will call David's cell phone and leave him the information, and he will go from school to her meet, instead of going to The Feast tonight. So YAY! someone will be there for her...albeit someone who is icky sick, and hasn't been feeling well for a while... Last night, Christen, the surgeon and guy David disciples, called something in for David, so hopefully he'll begin to get better...
So, now it will just be me and Davis this afternoon. He told me yesterday afternoon, "tomorrow I get to welcome you home instead of you welcoming me! :D" So he's excited about all the topsy turvy that has come! :) Good attitude on that boy!
And now, I must go begin to get ready for my orientation and wait for Samantha's call - pray that she calls before 10:15...because if she doesn't, she's going to be out of luck...
I hope you're having a great week!
Love you much! :D
PS - I tried to be a responsible adult last night and laid down around 9:30...and twisted and turned until 11 when I finally gave up, got out of bed and turned on my laptop. My mind had been swirling with all kinds of thoughts and ideas as to things that needed to be typed up for the book. I typed for about 45 minutes, and God released me to go to bed. I am extremely happy with what last night provided, it was more cleansing and revealing than anything I've ever written in my life! :D Yay God!!! :)