Tuesday, April 14, 2009


by Desperation Band

Seated above, enthroned in the Father's love
Destined to die, poured out for all mankind
God's only son, perfect and spotless One
He never sinned, but suffered as if He did

All authority, Every victory, is Your's
All authority, Every victory, is Your's

Savior, worthy of honor and glory
Worthy of all our praise, You overcame
Jesus, awesome in power forever
Awesome and great is Your name, You overcame

Power in hand, speaking the Father's plan
You're sending us out, light in this broken land

We will overcome
By the Blood of the Lamb
And the word of our testimony
Everyone overcome

We will overcome!

I love you.

Picture Post :)

This is for Mama and Marcia! :) Davis asked me to make him Peanut Butter and Jelly mixed one Sunday evening - cause he absolutely loves it mixed - and I snapped a shot, so Mama and Marcia could feel like they were here! :)

Marcia sent Spooky some treats to enjoy! :) The first picture is of him chowing down on it, the second is him looking at me hoping he was going to get another one right that second! :)

Precious puppy! :)

Easter Egg Hunt 2009

Samantha and Davis - before the hunt

Samantha yanking her sunglasses out of her hair so she would not be hindered! :)

Davis dashing to fill his basket!

Samantha with all her eggs! Yes, she has all the pockets in her jacket STUFFED as well! :)

Davis with his loot! :) And yes, that is a hard-boiled egg he is holding in his hand! Altogether, he and Samantha gathered 20 hard-boiled eggs along with over 100 plastic eggs (filled with candy, of course!)! :)

All the girls and female leaders in our Urban LifeGroup at our Easter Celebration! This picture was snapped about two seconds before the boys pelted us with confetti filled eggs! :P

Boys will be boys... *sigh* lol :)

Davis and I had a "campout" the weekend Sharon and David had training for Elevate, and Samantha was gone for her youth Spring Retreat!

It started out as a wonderful Spring day, weather in the 70s, nice, slow breeze blowing to keep you from getting too hot, etc.

About 4A, all that changed! The temperature dropped, and the wind was blowing so hard, it was picking our tent up off the ground at the corners! Davis made the executive decision that...

...we would be "sticking it out" - so we did! And we stayed snuggled and cuddled and piled under everything we had inside the tent with us until 7:16A! What a night! :) But we had a great time! :) And thoroughly enjoyed it!

This is our front "flower bed" - for lack of a better term...

Needless to say, it hasn't been looked after very well, and if you will peer closely, you will see the gigantic weed growing up out of the ground next to the sidewalk...

And here is Davis standing beside it...

Davis is 5ft tall...

Yes, that's one tall weed!

...and this picture was taken at the beginning of April, so it has grown since then! :)