Friday, February 27, 2009
We WILL conquer the swirling, whirling storm that is this week!
Wow...where to even start! :) It's been an absolutely all over the place week, and though here I am on a Friday morning, I'm not sure where the past week has gone!
Samantha has been having track practice now for 3 weeks, and we've pretty much gotten all of the pick up and such down to a fine art, right in time for Davis to start soccer practice, which instead of being just two days a week, as it was in the Fall, will now be THREE days a week! :P Samantha's practice ends at 5:15, Davis' begins at 5:30. What does this mean, you may be asking... Why this means picnic dinners! And extremely long days for the kids. least Davis does get to be at home for a little while before he has to go to practice.
However, Davis couldn't be more thrilled about his team, because it is basically the same team he played with during the Fall - same coach, and a lot of the same kids. So that's good! They'll continue growing and learning together! :)
Samantha is going to the meet today! :) Running the 800m! She made the cut yesterday, and could not have been more thrilled! :)
Speaking of today...
(First a little back story...)
For The Lynn's to start 24:14 in the Fall, move in 2010, they must gather LOTS of supporters. In order to do this, they must attend some kind of two-day financial aid training seminar that teaches them how to properly seek support, and apparently assists them in setting up whatever kind of account they will need for the duration of their time overseas. Sharon called on Wednesday to seek out more information about when this class would be held, and was told that it would be in July.
If you don't know, Sharon, David and the kids will be gone to Thailand most of June (I will drop them off at the Dallas airport on Saturday, June 6th and pick them back up on Saturday, June 27th), and they will also be gone for a few weeks in July, as they had told the kids they would take them to the beach one more time before they leave the country for good - they will be headed to Florida...I think...
Anyway, Sharon, knowing her schedule for the summer, was quick to let the man know that there was a very small window that she would actually be able to attend the seminar, and he didn't see it happening in the window she had available - added to the fact that they can't start seeking support until they have gone through the class, and you have quite a situation on your hands (they have to have ALL financial support in place for the 2009-2010 year - because you can't have full time jobs and be a 24:14 student...David has been throwing around ideas of part time jobs he could take on...but they're going to be in class Monday thru Friday 8:30a to 12:30p, plus other various activities and such they will have to be a part of... - plus 2 or 3 - I think - years "in the field" when they start class at the first of September...). The guy laughingly told her there would be a class Thursday and Friday of this week, from 8:30a-5:30p, but said he knew that would be an impossibility - this man obviously doesn't know Sharon... :) She came to me Wednesday afternoon while we were frantically trying to get everyone where they were supposed to be for the evening, along with getting people fed, showers taken, homework finished, and studying for tests completed, and asked if I thought it would be possible for this to work.
There had to be some additional phone calls made on the church's side of things, to "ok" Sharon to take the class alone - both parts of the couple are supposed to take it before raising support. They finally said that it would be ok for her to be the only one to take I said earlier...they obviously don't know Sharon... :D
Anyway, Thursday was pretty straightforward, because I didn't have anything going on, and I take care of the kids on Thursdays anyway...
However, Friday looked to be quite frantic. My orientation at Target is today from 11a-3p. Davis gets out of school at 3:05 and walks home. My job puts me about 15-20 minutes away from the house... Samantha gets out of school at 3:20, and if she rides the bus, gets home around 4:05. Add to that, that I have Urban Children's LifeGroup on Friday's, and have a girl that I have to pick up at 3:45, and then have to rush across town to get the other at 4 and then get to LifeGroup. So...I was going to have to get Samantha from school, then come home to Davis, then go pick up Tammy, then Yazkara and then on to LifeGroup with the kids in tow (yes, it is a girls' LifeGroup, but Davis is a very good sport! :) ), and then I would drop the kids off at the church after our LifeGroup ends at 6, because their family LifeGroup is volunteering at The Feast tonight, and they have to be there to help. Then would do the rest of my LifeGroup stuff with my girls, and finally wind up at home! Whoosh! But we had it figured out. Until yesterday afternoon...
When Samantha ran up to me during practice (Davis and I had gotten there early to watch her practice), handed me a sheet of paper, and told me she was getting to go to today's meet! I was thrilled, and a bit overwhelmed! I had no idea how she was getting there, or how she would be getting back. Put that on top of the fact that this is her first meet, and none of us would be able to be there...and I wanted to throw up!
After her class, Sharon called to check to see how the afternoon had gone, and she and I began to strategize for today. While we were on the phone, she also informed me that David was heading home, as he felt horrible, had a fever (he has been very sick, off and on, for the past three weeks or so...not good...) and would not be going to Elevate, but would be coming home to seclude himself in his bedroom instead. (We won't go into detail as to how upset the kids - and I - were that we weren't going to have the night to ourselves...especially after being stuck at practice fields on our only other night to ourselves :D) He finally made it home, and made his floor pallet in the bedroom to sleep on, and off he went for the night.
This morning, it was decided that Samantha would get more information about this meet - directions, school name, something! - and would call me with the information. From there, I will call David's cell phone and leave him the information, and he will go from school to her meet, instead of going to The Feast tonight. So YAY! someone will be there for her...albeit someone who is icky sick, and hasn't been feeling well for a while... Last night, Christen, the surgeon and guy David disciples, called something in for David, so hopefully he'll begin to get better...
So, now it will just be me and Davis this afternoon. He told me yesterday afternoon, "tomorrow I get to welcome you home instead of you welcoming me! :D" So he's excited about all the topsy turvy that has come! :) Good attitude on that boy!
And now, I must go begin to get ready for my orientation and wait for Samantha's call - pray that she calls before 10:15...because if she doesn't, she's going to be out of luck...
I hope you're having a great week!
Love you much! :D
PS - I tried to be a responsible adult last night and laid down around 9:30...and twisted and turned until 11 when I finally gave up, got out of bed and turned on my laptop. My mind had been swirling with all kinds of thoughts and ideas as to things that needed to be typed up for the book. I typed for about 45 minutes, and God released me to go to bed. I am extremely happy with what last night provided, it was more cleansing and revealing than anything I've ever written in my life! :D Yay God!!! :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Target Team Member :)
As God would have it, one of the girls from LifeGroup also works at Target, and she has been praying for more "light" to come into Target, so needless to say, we're both pretty happy about this! :D
The guy, Jimmy, that conducted my interview was extremely complimentary of me, and seemed to think that I have major potential to move up the "ladder" pretty quickly! :) He said that I interviewed very well, was extremely well spoken, and had an excellent background to be so young! :) (So, suffice it to say that kind of made my day! :D )
However, if you know me well, you know how I love cash registers! (When I was little, my dream was to one day work at Belk so I could use their GINORMOUS cash registers!!! :D ) So, I will be completely happy to stay in this first position as long as God sees fit to keep me there! :D
Anyway, thank you ALL so, so much for your prayers during this transition!!!
Love you bunches!
Perfect Timing...
Last night during Worship at LifeGroup, Ashley got a picture for me. She said there was a kitchen timer - like the one above. It was set, and you could hear the tick-tick-ticking as it was counting down. She said that God was telling her that everything that He has been giving me will all come to fruition in His completely perfect timing. That there will be "milestones" along the way to the big things, but the end result will not be ready until His perfect timer *dings.*
To me, it just confirmed what I had already been feeling - that I have to prepare and get ready for what's to come (especially concerning my future husband). If you never add the ingredients to the cake mix, if you never mix it up, if you never put it in the oven, then it is never going to get baked. I feel like that is exactly what God is saying here - I must be willing to put time, energy and effort into preparing myself for the days ahead! :)
Yay! :D
God is soooooooooooo good!
And I love y'all soooooooooo much! :)
PS - If you see this before then, be praying at 1p! Interview today! :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I'm gonna do it! :)
Picking up where we last left off, you will remember that at World Mandate, I felt God calling me to Uganda, and was preparing to start Elevate (the first year of schooling in preparation for the mission field...the school Sharon and David are in now...). All the while, searching for this "retail job" that God put me on a mission to find. I have gotten a whole new appreciation for the job hunting process through it all, that's for sure (for those of you that don't know, I have never had to "look" for a job - there has always just been some kind of hook up...usually involving Mama and someone she knows through her business dealings :) ).
I am going to be hopping all over the place, because #1, that's just how I am ;), and #2, I am trying to get everything out to you in a way that makes some kind of sense... :)
Now to begin...
John & Brandy Seago
Brandy, a friend from Georgia, got married January 3rd, and as God would have it, moved just up the road (about an hour and half) from me after her honeymoon! :) Her husband is originally from Texas, and he is doing an awesome thing and working with Texas Right to Life ( so they settled here! :) The Monday after World Mandate, she and I were able to catch up over the phone, and made plans for me to come visit and have lunch Wednesday of the next week, and then planned a "Girls' Time" the week after that, where I would get there on Tuesday night and stay through Thursday morning, while John was in Austin for his job. I was thrilled, and couldn't wait to see her and really get caught up on everything! :)
Brandy and John's story is "one for the books" - this couple nailed it! And by the grace of God! It is truly a story to stand in awe of! God has richly blessed them, both as individuals, and as a couple. I feel so thankful to have the chance to have them right up the road! :)
I have been able to hear their story from afar, as they were at school in North Carolina when they met in 2007, and I continued to keep up via text, occassional phone calls, and Facebook, but never had the opportunity to see them together in person until after they were married and moved up the road! :) I feel like God definitely ordained that, because I have learned much from watching the two of them - both together and apart in the last few weeks.
Over the last several months, God has really been breaking me of my old ways of viewing marriage and relationships, and even breaking my urge to be in a relationship. As I have had the privilege of seeing some of the couples around Antioch date, become engaged and get married, all while keeping God at the center, I have continued to stand in utter amazement!
I had begun to see marriage as something so special and precious! A beautiful, rare jewel that you prepared for and searched for most of your life, and once it is in your "possession," you hold it as special and precious! You hold it separate from the other things that once captivated your time, energy, money and emotions! You polish it regularly, but you pay such close attention to it, that you notice immediately if the shine appears to be dimming, and do everything you can to get it back to it's previous glory! Ah! How glorious it is when God's hand is upon it!
I began to have bits and pieces of these thoughts, and even thoughts clarifying the other side - why there is so much divorce and unhappiness in marriages across the world today - so that I could completely appreciate the beauty in what God was giving me! :)
It all came together for me as I saw Brandy and John together! For the first time in my life, instead of being so immensely jealous of what they had, I was filled with awe, and became resolved, even excited, to wait! :) There is no way that someone could look at these two, after knowing their story - a story of redemption, renewal, refreshment and a love so pure that the only source it possibly could have come from is God - and not be overwhelmed by the goodness of our God, and become excited to wait for your own "fairy tale come true!" :) Every time I saw him look at her, or her look at him, to see them hug, kiss and hold hands...each precious moment was a gift from God! And to see the beauty of that, to truly appreciate how awesome life can be if it is lived in the complete will of God, for the first time completely humbled me.
John & Brandy Seago
I will not settle for less than what God has for me, but I also have to take care to completely allow God to take over my life as it is now, so that I might become His best for my future husband! :) I cannot hold any part of who I am back from Him - it all has to be given straight into His hands! It hasn't been easy, and daily I am having to remind myself - mostly regarding the "little things" - that it's not mine to worry about or question. It is all His! And that, even though scary at first because I don't have mine grubby little hands on it, becomes soooooo utterly freeing! All I have to do is say "yes!" and follow in His footsteps on the path He's walking before me! How much simpler can it get? :D
So, on the way back from Brandy's last Thursday morning, God and I were having a conversation - well...mostly it was me dumping upon Him the anxieties of my heart concerning the next year or two of my life - and I just got this overwhelming peace. As I was sitting there explaining to Him how hard it would be to get all the money together I would need for schooling and the mission field - especially when Sharon and David are going first, and she will have already gotten support from those we know that are able to give, and I just didn't know how in the world I was ever going to be able to do all this. It isn't that I'm not willing to go - I've even gotten excited! But the fear of being financially unstable was starting to settle in... He said, "Vanessa. My precious girl. Just wait." I, of course, was not content in that, and had to be my true self and ask, "Wait for what?" What came next humbled me, and made me give myself a handsmack - he said, "Vanessa. I never told you to go to Elevate this Fall. You just assumed you were supposed to immediately go into training since you knew where you would be going, but that isn't the case." There was a pause while I was being humbled before Him, and letting everything sink in, and then, "Do you not remember what I gave you?"
I spent the entire rest of the drive home trying to figure out what in the world He was talking about. He certainly wasn't giving me any hints, but that didn't stop me from trying to get it out of Him! :)
During my conviction of becoming God's best for my future husband, I was convicted to take walks regularly. I decided it sounded like a good plan for me and Spooky to do this together, since we both can use fresh air and excercise - and because it's not much fun to walk by yourself...and Spooky is a great listener! :D Friday was our first day to walk, and we had a wonderful time! It has been incredibly cold around here lately, but that didn't stop us! We bundled up, packed our "bathroom bag" - a WalMart bag with four folded-up paper towels :) Can't litter, ya know! :) - and took off! We've walked every day since, for at least 45 minutes, and it has been wonderful! Not only has it given Spooky and me a great time to just be outside and enjoying God's beautiful creation - even when His creation is freezing! :) - but it has also given me wonderful opportunities for amazing conversations with my Creator!
So, Friday we went out to walk, and I was still trying to figure out what God had given me that I was supposed to remember...when He showed me again...
The week after World Mandate was a miserable week! I started the week just thinking I was completely run down and tired after the weekend we had had, but as the week progressed, and nothing was getting better, I quickly realized I was sick. Wednesday night came, and with it LifeGroup. We stood up for worship, I sank right back into my seat - the room was spinning, and I was burning up. My throat had been a major source of pain, as had my left ear. I felt a trembly, cold hand on me, and knew that Ashley was praying over me. I moved her hand to my neck and ear where the pain was, and just settled in, knowing God was in control! As she was praying, it was as if I was completely removed from that room, that house, that place...I was taken in to a picture.
I was in a very small room. It had an earthen floor. I was sitting in a very primitive wooden chair - 4 straight posts, with the back two coming up a little higher than my shoulders, and a woven straw seat - and there was a dark skinned woman sitting in a similar chair, directly across from me - not more than 5 feet could have separated us. Just to the right of where I was sitting, and equal distance between me and the other woman was a pale pink blanket, and on it was a dark skinned little girl - just a baby really, but old enough to be sitting up on her own. She was happy as a lark and playing with some kind of wooden toy. Off to my left, and behind the other woman was a door. As we were sitting there, the door opened and a little boy appeared there - he was holding a man's pointer finger with his right hand, and was walking, but not completely steady. He had the creamiest, most beautiful skin, blonde hair and big, beautiful blue eyes! He was absolutely beautiful! When I looked over and saw him, I clapped my hands together, and said, "Look at Mama's big boy!" When I spoke, he looked up (he had been concentrating on getting in the door), his face broke into a heart-melting grin, and he began to speed walk toward me, all the while dragging "the finger" along with him! :) It was a beautiful picture! But I had no idea what it meant, so I just enjoyed it, and filed it away.
God "replayed" it for me that Friday morning, and when it was over said, "Vanessa. Uganda is not just for you. It is for your family. You won't go alone." Whoo! :D Can we say excitement?!?!?! So I am absolutely thrilled about that! :) Cause not only am I not going alone, but I am going to have a husband, and a child!!! :D
Saturday morning, as we were walking, God gave me the title of a book I am to write!!! :D Holy cow! Can you believe it??? And He also gave me the picture for the book cover...although at this time I'm not sure how to get it out of my head...cause I can't draw very I'm just waiting to see what He does with that! :) I have begun to put thoughts down on paper - though at this point it wouldn't make sense to anyone but me...and sometimes I don't even know where it came from when I go back and read over it (and then I remember that God has His hand in all, and He's the one that's really writing it anyway :) )! But I'm extremely happy about this opportunity! :)
I am now discipling Samantha. God had put it on my heart, and then Ashley brought it up to me as well, after Sharon had mentioned something about it when we had a very confusing conversation where both of us were talking about two different things...weird...but a part of the plan! :) So, that started this week. I am hoping for us to find time Friday night or Saturday to get away for a couple of hours, and really start building that foundation. On Monday morning, we started doing her quiet time together - she wakes up and comes in my room and we talk about the day, and pray for the person she is to say something encouraging to that day, pray for her day, and send her out! :) It has been AWESOME! God is soooooo good! :)
And finally...
A matter of prayer... :) I have a job interview tomorrow with Target at 1p (CST) :)
I would definitely appreciate your prayers for that! :) Because I'm ready to get on out there! :)
Until next time...
I love you all, more than words could ever express,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
It's my turn! 25...or 30...Random Things! :)
1. I used to analyze everything to the point where I would drive myself crazy - I'm getting better :)
2. This past week has been the most amazing week I have had in as long as I can has just been awesome! :)
3. I have always wanted an older brother. The kind that are in movies and on television - the ones that are completely protective. That are always willing to listen. That are a shoulder to cry on when you've had your heart broken or your back stabbed.
4. I sometimes think it would have been easier if I had just never known my daddy. At least that way I would have just had the one disappointment of having a father that didn't care enough to be a part of my life, instead of the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly disappointments...
5. I regret nothing that has happened in my life to this point. I am a firm believer in the thought that I wouldn't be the person I am right now without everything that's happened - good, bad and horrid - so, while it might have been nicer circumstances had some things been avoided...I wouldn't trade the life I've had for anything!
6. Though I would love to have a little girl one day that I can dress up and have "girl moments" with, my heart's desire is to be able to mommy two boys.
7. I know that I have a lot of quirks...but I believe with all my heart that God has someone for me that is going to completely embrace my quirks and love me all the more for them.
8. My favorite flower is the Gerbera daisy - but I HATED the ones that we (the girls) were given at our graduation. Our school colors were blue and orange, and the flowers were a icky orangish color and that were wilting before we even got them. I loved the ones my family had for me at my family graduation party - they were perky and a beautiful shade of pink! :)
9. I wish with all my heart that Heather and I had a "background" - if I think about it for too long, my heart begins to hurt when I think about the fact that I have a sister that strangers know better than I do...
10. I cannot wait to be an aunt! I pray that God will give me a husband that has several brothers and sisters, because I would love to have all kinds of nieces and nephews to spoil! :)
11. I am entirely too emotional - but I think I'm getting a certain degree :)
12. Davis and Samantha hold a huge chunk of my heart. I often make the comment that I'm not sure how I will be able to love my own children any more than I love these two. I love the cuddles, the hugs, the kisses, the giggles, the stories, the conversations, the smiles...
13. I have already given Mama strict instructions as to things to tell any potential suitor to avoid when proposing. :) (I'm pretty set against the things that I am completely against for that moment...yes...I am entirely too God will change my heart toward that, or he will bring me a man that will feel the same way I do about the entire proposal :) ...I'm thinking the latter...)
14. Some nights, I lie in bed and pretend I'm back in Georgia. That I'm just across the house from Mama. That I'm just up the road from my family. I pretend like I am going to get up in the morning, and be able to walk straight through the living room and into Mama's bedroom to talk to her and tell her all about the day before.
15. It was harder leaving Georgia after visiting at Christmas than it was when I left in June to move here. I still haven't figured that one out... My lowest moment was when I walked into the house, the Sunday before I left on Monday, after I had been at church that morning crying through the entire service (Mama had stayed home because she was sick and coughing her head off), I walked through the door, into the living room and Mama was sitting on the couch. I completely lost it then. My heart was broken and nothing in this world could even come close to fixing it but my mama's arms wrapped around me, and her tears merging with mine.
16. Writing is cathartic for me. And surprisingly, I am much more open and honest with my writing when I am writing it publicly than if I am just writing it in a journal for myself.
17. Off and on I have thoughts of what it would be like to write for more than just myself. Imagining how wonderfully free I would feel being able to dedicate myself to a life of cleansing work... :) But then I realize that I really have no really imaginative or original thoughts, and that I just ramble a lot :) it isn't like I would be able to write things that people are just going to take to heart, laugh at, cry at or be blessed by. And I come back down to earth :)
18. I used to wonder when my "real" life was going to start...sometime in the last seven months, I realized that it started a long time ago, and it just took me realizing that to understand that it is time for me to start living every day to the max. It is imperative to appreciate every moment.
19. I have always wanted to go to Italy. Everything that I have ever seen, read, or heard about it just speaks to my soul! I am dying to see it with my own eyes! :) And I will get there one day! Even if God just flies me by on my way up to Heaven! :)
20. I put off doing this for over a week after Heather tagged me, because I knew it was going to turn into a very long, drawn out, soul-emptying session...and sure enough, I was correct :)
21. I have 15 photos in my room, and all of them are of my family.
13 of them are in black and white.
The two that are in color are for effect.
Black and white pictures are my absolute favorite.
I have three pictures on my walls.
One is in color and says: "Live life passionately, Laugh until your belly huts, Love unconditionally."
The other two are of trees - one is black and white and the other is in sepia tones.
Both pictures speak to something deep in my heart. Staring at them and "going into" them is how God speaks to the deep places many times.
22. This summer after moving here God and I had it out because I wanted to "get pictures" like everybody else at Antioch did, and He wasn't giving me any. Then I finally got one, and I was more excited than I've ever been over any physical gift I've been given! :) And now He uses pictures frequently to speak to me, and to allow me to speak into others.
23. God has been given me words for people here lately, and I still question what I'm hearing sometimes...but there is something special that happens when you obey, walk up to someone and give them the words and/or picture that God has given you for them. There is a radiant smile that breaks out on their face - a smile that comes from deep within. :) The smile is God's way of showing me that I wasn't hearing things incorrectly, that it was just what they needed to hear, and helping me gain boldness in getting quicker to obey so He can use me to bless more people, more frequently. :)
24. I absolutely love getting random texts from my friends! :) It makes my day! Cause it makes me feel like they were just sitting, going about their day, and then all of a sudden thought about me and took the time to send me a message :) It makes me feel completely loved and special :)
25. Sometimes I feel completely uneducated - especially in the moments when I let myself slip, and I sound like someone off the Beverly Hillbillies. But then God reminds me that He loves me no matter what. And He doesn't mind that I have a country twang, and that it gets even worse when I'm tired or am really emotional. And that He doesn't care that I can't have long philosophical or scientific conversations, cause He didn't make me for that. He made me to be personable and relational. And even though I didn't really used to like people that weren't in my immediate circle, He has definitely been working on that, and broadening my horizons.
26. I hate talking on the phone. Absolutely loathe it. I would rather spend two hours having a conversation via text message than have a 5 minute phone conversation. I think part of it is that I sometimes have an extremely hard time hearing and understanding people over the phone, and I get frustrated with myself. However, if you catch me at the right time, I can talk for hours - just ask Mama :)
27. I have taken a Folic Acid pill almost every day since 10th grade. I found out in my Early Childhood class about how one of the main reasons children are born with Spina Bifida is because of a lack of Folic Acid in the mother. Our teacher told us that when we got ready to start thinking about getting pregnant that we should start taking Folic Acid pills to aid in the process. So I just got a jump start on it and started then. However, if any of my children are born with Spina Bifida, I am going to have blown the Folic Acid myth out the window! :P
28. I love getting mail - snail mail. One of the best feelings is to open up the mailbox and have a package or letter in there with my name on it :) I used to really enjoy it when I lived in Georgia, but now that I'm out here, I really and truly love it.
29. After being able to see the purity and the entire presence of God in Brandy and John's and Amanda and Ed's relationships, I have determined that I am completely willing to wait for whomever God wants to send my way. To be able to glow radiantly like Brandy is after marrying her God-given prince, and to be able to "light up like a Christmas tree" as I have seen Amanda do every time Ed walks into her line of's worth the wait. Totally and completely.
30. And on that note, after seeing each of those couples together, and after having long talks with each of the women about their feelings toward their relationships, I have decided that if I don't get married until I'm 80, it's fine, as long as he is the one God has for me. I don't want to rush anything. The way these men look at them like they are the most precious thing in the world; the way they lead the relationships in the way God intended, and the way these Godly women fall into their roles so happily and beautifully! :) It just puts everything into perspective. :)
*I'm sorry this is so long. And if you stuck it out and read this entire thing, you deserve a medal! :)
**I am aware that I did a few more than 25...what can I say, I got in the groove, and just went with it :)
48 Things :)
If I had been born male, my father was going to name me "Christopher Robin"...yeah...not even a little bit cool! I would have been constantly made fun of! I just thought Vanessa Ahngelina was bad... :)
Sometime this week, I'm sure...I have Frequent Crier Miles :D (98% joyful tears though! :) )
I like it when I have taken my time...I don't care for my "hurried handwriting"
And I only like my cursive - I don't care a bit for my print :P
None that are bilogically mine :) I want at least 3 of my own one day
I would be friends with the person I am now...not so much with the person I used to be...God bless you if you have stuck with me through both! :)
I've gotten a lot better at not doing it since I moved in with the Sharon, David, Samantha and Davis. Sarcasm is evil, and makes the other person feel bad most of the time, so we should not use it. I totally see the full picture, but I still slip up sometimes...
I did when I was 8 - believe it or not, I begged to do it in Pigeon Forge, TN - my daddy dared me, and told me he would buy me a personalized airbrushed T-shirt (those things were REALLY popular back then) thinking that I would say no, but he got surprised! :D - and Mama had to sign an extra form of some kind because I was under the weight limit. But I did it and loved it. But I have more wits about me now, and wouldn't care to do it again :D
The cereal that I eat normally - Honey Nut Cheerios
The cereal that conjures up wonderful childhood memories - Froot Loops! :D
No...even though I know that I should...
...there is not a number 12...
Mint Chocolate Chip - in a waffle cone! :)
Their smile and eyes
Pink - any shade :) (It's my most favorite color of all!)
That it took me 23 years and moving halfway across the United States to truly find out who God made me to be! But I'm trying my best to make up for lost time now! :)
The people in Georgia that are holding a part of my heart...
Sure. Why not - it'd be interesting to see everyone's answers! :)
Black pantsBarefeet :)
...there's not a 20 either...
The most current CD that Trippe made for us :)
Cerulean - was ALWAYS my favorite crayon in the box!
Trippe's cologne
Davis right after he has a bath
...and there's not a 25...
Davis' team playing soccer - I don't know enough about the sport to totally understand it and watch professional soccer on television...but I like watching it in person well enough :)
Depends on my mood - blue or green
Yes - sometimes
Zaxby's! :)
Which I am totally missing while being here in Texas!
Happy endings! I am a WIMP! I cannot stand scary movies! If you make me watch one, be prepared to be grabbed and held tightly! And I usually close my eyes through most of the movie... Sorry :)
PS I Love You :)
It's red and coral/orange striped...
Fall :)
Depends on who's giving them...I love big, slobbery kisses on my cheek from adorable little kids! :)I've never been a touchy person - AT ALL (just ask my Mama) - but God has begun changing that in putting people in my life that just LOVE to hug! And now I will actually hug a person before they try to hug me! :) I'm quite proud of that change! :)
...and there's no 36...
Whoever takes the time to read it? :)
Whoever doesn't take the time to read it? :)
Who Has Your Heart?
The King's Daughter
The Beginner's Guide to Fasting
(yeah...I can't keep focus on one non-fiction book at a time, so I have to bounce around between a few :) )
I have a laptop...and if I'm using my mini-mouse
(yeah...I just said it in my head and laughed out loud...ya know, "Minnie Mouse" :D) I use my notebook paper clipboard as my mouse pad :)
The Weather Channel
I turned it on to check today's forecast so Davis would know whether he should wear pants or shorts to school today.
My mama's voice - especially after a really bad day, or when I'm sick...there's nothing in the world as comforting!
Davis' giggleBeautiful music
Couldn't tell you a thing either one of them I won't make a choice on this question...At least I've heard of the Beatles though...I thought the Rolling Stone was just a magazine that Mother Winslow held on the porch swing during the opening credits of Family
I've been to Canada and California - while I lived in GeorgiaI don't know which one is further...and I don't care to Google right now to find out :)
I don't think so...if I do have one, it is so special that I don't even know about it yet! :D
Gainesville, Georgia
Whoever decides to fill it out :)
I'll tell you once I meet him :)
"Wait on me while you wait on me..."
Davis' Psalm
Thank you God for planing my life even before I was born. Thank you for taking your time away to plan who is going to help me in tough sinchowations. Thank you for being my father. Thank you for breathing life into me. Thank you for helping me when I stumble.
and for bringing me out of the pit of death. Thank you for ansewring my prayers. Thank you for giving me the boldness and courage to speak to lost people. Thank you for being the king of my life.
Thank you for blocking satin's evil deads. Thank you for just being my lord and savior. and how you are giving and caring to me.
Thank you for being a grace giver because I don't deserve anything you give me not even my life. Thank you for being forgiver because I am a sinner and I will allways be a sinner but you are perfect so when I get into heaven you will change my life more than I can amagen.
Your love lord is more than every person I know put together. Thank you oh God for being there for me changing my life more and more and more. I will worship you because you are my lord and God. and thank you for giving me these words to right.
Davis wrote this Psalm last night (12/01/08).
It is absolutely one of the most precious things I have ever read in my entire life.
He is amazing! :)
It is such a perfect picture of where my heart was back then, I couldn't help but include it in the blog... :) And once I finally get to catch you all up, it will make even more sense! :) To see just exactly how far God has brought me! :)
Ok...I'm writing this in an attempt to sort through my rambling thoughts and emotions...
I am beginning to believe that I am meant to be single. I have been observing myself as of late, and I have found, that for me to ever be in a committed relationship with anyone is going to take a significant amount of work on God's part. I am too stubborn. Too independent. Too "stay out of my business." Too picky. Too analytical. Basically, have a pattern. If you know me well, you will agree with this - I had not seen it, or realized it, until my mama and my aunt lovingly pointed it out to me!I am utterly TERRIFIED of committment. I read all the romances. Watch all the "lovey dovey" movies. Dream about having one of those "happily ever after" romances. But when it comes down to acting on any of those feelings, anything more than surface actions, I flip out!
Dynamic #1: Other than my mama, I have never had to answer to anyone (yes, I know I answer to God, but I am talking about answering to those mere earthlings that walk with me on this journey through life). I didn't have to answer to my daddy. I didn't have to check in with ten people before doing anything. Because Mama and Daddy were divorced, she didn't have to check in with anybody either, so we always just picked up and did whatever, at only a moment's notice.So...with that picture painted, is it easier to understand why I get all weird whenever someone starts wanting to know where I am, who I'm with, where I'm going, what my plans are for the day/week/month, etc? It isn't like I have anything to hide, it is just that I have never had anybody question me like that. I have always freely given Mama information as to my whereabouts, so I've never had to feel as if I am being interrogated by her! So, when someone starts all that up, I run as fast as I can in the opposite direction.
Dynamic #2: I'm way too analytical and honest. Mama is always saying, "You have to play the game." And I always say, "No thanks." My theory is such that if it is "meant to be," it will be and obviously, it has not been "meant to be" yet. So, to get a "man worth keeping," I should not have to "play a game"-all that should have ended in elementary school. She also tells me that I should never tell a guy exactly what I'm doing, or who I'm doing it with, or what I'm going to be doing-"keep it a mystery!" I DO NOT CARE ABOUT BEING "MYSTERIOUS"! I only care about being ME!
Dynamic #3: I am a BIG TIME family person. Mama and I go out to eat supper with Papa and Nanny every Friday night, and then go back to their house to play games (cards and dominos). We eat Sunday dinner with Papa, Nanny, and my aunt Marcia every Sunday afternoon. My extended family celebrates all our birthdays, and all holidays together. I always have been, and always will be, at anything (events, plays, ball games, etc.) that any of my family members are in. Samantha (she will be 11 in April) and Davis (he turned 7 in November) are the "baby" grandchildren, and feel way more like my niece and nephew than they do my cousins. The world stops - barring medical emergency, or job conflict - when they are involved in any extra-curricular activity that requires an audience (and even some that don't...) - the whole family shows up. I see my tight-knit family as a blessing and a thing to be treasured. Most everyone else sees it as stupid and silly - I have been made fun of way more than once for talking about my family and about doing things with them.
Dynamic #4: I am an extremely boring person. I don't care about going out to clubs, parties, bars, etc. I don't care about spending hundreds of dollars to eat at the best restaurant in Atlanta. I don't care about always having to be doing something.I love to be at home. Reading a book. Watching a movie I've seen ten times before. Writing out my feelings on paper like I am doing now (this will be typed up later). Cooking. Hanging out with my family. Hanging out with Samantha and Davis. Baby-sitting my babies from church. Sitting around having "meaningful conversation" - as my aunt Sharon calls it - with my loved ones! That is what makes life special! That is what makes life mean something!!!
Dynamic #5: I am involved in church. I love, love, love to be there! I am soooooo totally excited now that we are having church on Sunday nights too, and I am getting to go into church (I am in the nursery on Sunday mornings)! I love the music! I love the preacher! I love worshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ! It is AWESOME!However, I am beginning to believe that all the "good", Christian guys have all been snatched up. It is a rare occasion (at least in my experience) to meet a guy that just jumps at the chance to sit down and have a long talk about how awesome God is...They want to do everything but talk about God.
So...for these reasons, and a whole list of others not included here, I am beginning to believe that I am meant to be single...
"I Am"
I am tired of hearing about the Georgia flag issue. I am tired of hearing about the violence in our world. I am tired of hearing about politics. I am tired of hearing about the Mark Reed thing. I am tired of hearing people say that just because we're young, we can't influence this world in a positive way and that all teenagers are bad. I am tired of hearing about abuse cases. I am tired of hearing about people that drink, drive, and kill. I am tired of hearing about people that use others to get themselves higher in the world. I am tired of hearing about the Clinton and Monica scandal. I am tired of hearing about political promises that never come true. I am tired of hearing about athletes and how great they are. I am tired of hearing about movie stars and all the other "important people" in our country that think they don't have to set an example for the people watching their lives. I am tired of hearing about the people that take up for them saying, "They don't have to watch what they do; they're only human." I am tired of hearing about people that walk out on their families, in the hardest of times. I am tired of hearing about everything that goes wrong in the world; why can't the newspapers, movies, magazines, books, music, and radios focus on the positive things that are happening?
I am tired of hearing about the Georgia flag issue. I am tired of hearing about the violence in our world. I am tired of hearing about politics. I am tired of hearing about the Mark Reed thing. I am tired of hearing people say that just because we're young, we can't influence this world in a positive way and that all teenagers are bad. I am tired of hearing about abuse cases. I am tired of hearing about people that drink, drive, and kill. I am tired of hearing about people that use others to get themselves higher in the world. I am tired of hearing about the Clinton and Monica scandal. I am tired of hearing about political promises that never come true. I am tired of hearing about athletes and how great they are. I am tired of hearing about movie stars and all the other "important people" in our country that think they don't have to set an example for the people watching their lives. I am tired of hearing about the people that take up for them saying, "They don't have to watch what they do; they're only human." I am tired of hearing about people that walk out on their families, in the hardest of times. I am tired of hearing about everything that goes wrong in the world; why can't the newspapers, movies, magazines, books, music, and radios focus on the positive things that are happening?
Stamps, and Labels and Envelopes...Oh my! :P
We're hoping to get the file to the UPS Store first thing tomorrow, so we can get the copies made, fold them up and send them on out! :) They have a lot of money to raise, and a very short time to do it in!
In other news...
This was set up to be an adorable picture of Davis and Samantha...and it was...about 5 seconds before this picture was
So now, I am off to bed - yes, it is entirely too late, and I should have been in bed long ago, but I wanted to get this done, so tomorrow I can get to the "meat!" I have sooooo much to share with you all! I cannot wait to get it out for all of you to rejoice in! :) But first I had to get the "back" stuff up and running! And now I'll be ready to forge full speed ahead! :)
Love you!
LateJanuary 2009
…or at least some of them… :)
I will try to make everything make as much sense as possible. But PLEASE don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have. I might not have all the answers right now, but I will do my best to provide you with answers! :)
First Things First! :)
As I have shared before, Sharon, David and I were all seeking God's heartbeat as to what He is pointing us to for the future - whether short term or long term - so we could figure out what our next steps were to be, so we fasted from Monday though Sunday, in order to be able to be as close to Him as possible.
Before I get into all my stuff, I’ll tell you that Sharon and David got their answer as to where they will be going after Elevate (the school they are in now) and 24:14 (the church planting school that they will go through next).
The plan now is for them to finish up this year in Elevate and start 24:14 this coming September. They will finish that up in April of '10, and if all goes according to schedule, will be in Thailand by the end of that summer!
So they are super excited! And I'm excited for them!
Now it Gets Jumbled… :)
Friday night during our first session, God told me that I was to sit down and write out a list of all the time periods Monday thru Sunday that I absolutely cannot work due to prior obligations (when Sharon and David are at school, LifeGroup, Urban Children's LifeGroup, church times, etc), and then I am to go out and get a job in retail. Then He kept saying WalMart - and in all my life, I have NEVER had a desire to work at WalMart, so I was really hoping I was not hearing correctly! ;)
Side Story
Saturday afternoon, as I was telling Sharon about all God has been revealing, when I got to the part about WalMart, she started laughing. I asked her why, and she told me to go ahead and finish everything and then she'd tell me.
When I finished, I asked her what was funny and she said that she and Zhiping (pronounced Zee ping) (this is the Chinese lady that works at WalMart – the one I talked about in the last newsletter, where her, her husband and daughter came over and had dinner with us one Saturday evening – the night Sharon had the healing of the burst blood vessel.) were talking Tuesday while she was ringing up Sharon’s purchases, and out of the blue – Sharon said they had not been talking about me, family or jobs - Zhiping says, “Vanessa! Your niece! She need come work with me at WalMart!"
Sharon said that she thought it was one of the most random things she had ever heard, so she just said "Well, ok." and put it out of her mind. But as soon as I told her what God had told me, she saw that it was just another confirmation for me! :)
Back to the Story
God told me that it was so important and wonderful that I had had the opportunity to continue working for American TeleCenters the past seven months, because it had given Him the opportunity to really ground me and grow me in Him, His word, and all He has for me. It gave me the opportunity to be completely away from the secular world - because I am ALWAYS at home - I work at home, I watch the kids at home, and I spend time with the family at home - and when I'm not at home, I'm doing church activities. So everything in my Texas life, up to this point, has completely revolved around my "family" family, and my church family.
What He told me is that the unsettledness and the restlessness (I hope those are words and that I am spelling them correctly! :) ) that I have been experiencing are from this desire He has begun to stir in me to get out and begin to make relationships with the world. I wasn't ready for that before now, because before now they would have influenced me more than I would have influenced them - but now He said I'm ready to make an impact! :D And I am soooooooooooooooooo excited about that!
Full Circle
Friday night, God had given me some stuff to pass on to Sharon, and as I was speaking to her and then praying for her, God continued to say “Full Circle.” I didn’t know what exactly He was talking about, so I just continued on with what I did know. Then all of a sudden, it hit me: Sharon and I had come full circle! From the January night in ’07 at the Passion conference when God first told Sharon that they were to start preparing because they were going to be going, right back around to this January night in ’09 where He was beginning to completely bring about the fullness of the plans He started back then.
Also at the Passion conference that year, I was first introduced to Invisible Children ( Sharon and I had a long conversation that night at Passion, as I explained to her all I had seen during the breakout session that day pertaining to the children in Uganda, and how they had been telling us how they needed so much help over there! And I told her that I totally understood the need, but I knew that God would never call me to that, because I could never leave my mama, I could never leave my family, I could never leave these kids, I could never leave my house, I could never leave my job, I could never leave Georgia... Well...I guess we all know the rest of that story... :) He certainly does have a way of taking our excuses right away from us, doesn’t he?
Then this past Tuesday, Sharon was telling me all about the Restoration Gateway ( project that a couple from Antioch have started. Basically, they are building a community there, starting with a medical facility, and then they will begin to build “pods.” A pod will hold 8-10 orphans, and two house parents – Christian American female and one Ugandan widow - so that the children will be brought up with the morals and values and beliefs of the American, but will also get the fullness of their Ugandan heritage! As Sharon was telling me about everything going on over there, I got so excited! I was thrilled that these children are finally being given a chance to have some semblance of a normal life, and a family!
As I stood at World Mandate Friday night, God kept putting Uganda on my heart, and I kept praying for the nation and all that is going on through Restoration Gateway! And then Saturday morning, it was back!
During Friday night and Saturday morning’s sessions, they kept flashing different countries names up on the screen, with a little bit of information about what’s going on in that country, the population, etc. And all of the countries had been from Asia and Europe. I stood there hearing Uganda over and over and over, I finally made a deal. I said, “Lord. I know that I am not supposed to be making deals and bargains with you. And I’m not making a deal as to whether or not I am supposed to go – cause I know I’m supposed to go somewhere. But Lord, I really need to know if I am hearing Uganda because that is where you want me to go, or if I am just being extremely emotional because I have such a heart for children, and my heart has always had a soft spot for these children. Or maybe it’s you that gave me the soft spot back in ’07 when I first heard about them, cause you were preparing me for this moment. But I have to have clarity. So God, if you want me to go to Uganda, then put Uganda up on the screen! Cause then I’ll know it’s meant to be, because that would be totally out of character from all of the other countries that have been listed! It’s in Africa and it doesn’t fit the “Asia and Europe” mold! So if it comes up on the screen, I will have no doubt!”
About 15 seconds later, Uganda popped up on the screen. It was the last country that came up on the screen. It was the only country that was not in Asia or Europe. It was my sign from my God confirming where He is sending me! :)
I feel that God is telling me that I will be working in one of the pods with the orphans! Which makes me sooooooo incredibly happy because my heartbeat has always been children! I just never knew it would be Ugandan children! :)
He also spoke to me and said that no time is better for me than now. This is my time. Because I don't have HUGE responsibilities of my own - I don't have a husband, and I don't have children! I have nothing to hold me back! :) So, here am I! Send me! :)
Follow Up
*I went this afternoon and applied at WalMart, so I am hoping that I will be hearing from them soon!
*Davis has not had any more nightmares since the last ones I reported to you! Thank you for your prayers! The prayers of the saints are powerful!
*Even though it is great to know what God has planned for us all, it is also quite bittersweet, because now we know when the end will be. So we know exactly how limited our time together is. And as hard as the year in Georgia was for me as they were preparing to leave – those of you who know me well know the horrible, barely functioning time I was having – I fear that it will be even worse now that we have all been around each other day in and day out for what will be two years when they leave. I am trying to enjoy every moment more now than I ever have before. Treasuring every hug and kiss. Every “I love you” and every sweet smile. I know that y’all feel it too, but I can’t even begin to tell you how imbedded in my heart these children have become.
Which is the other thing that lets me know I truly am following God on this one. If I had it my way, I would have gone to Thailand too, just so I could stay with them. I knew I was supposed to go, so if I had to go, and it was my choice, I would have gone where I could have continued to be with my precious babies! But God is going to restore my heart, and He is going to give me the opportunity to have a part in the lives of children that have never had the families we have. Children who have never felt loved or cared for. Children who feel utterly abandoned and hopeless! And that’s what keeps a smile on my face and a song in my heart! :) I will be able to do some good! God gave me a huge heart when it comes to children! And now He’s preparing me for the opportunity to really put it to use! :)
I think that’s all this time…
Crazy, huh? It’s not 10 pages!!! :) But then, I just sent you all the updates last week, so it’ll be a while before the next one! :) I appreciate all your support and all of your prayers! More than I could ever express!
The only other matter I wish you to specifically be praying for is financial stuff. It’s overbearing if I begin to think about it, but I trust that God has this planned for me, and that everything will come together. So please just pray that I will completely trust Him in that and I will totally leave it in His hands!
MidJanuary 2009
I wrote this 1/21 as a “note” on Facebook. It clearly shows my heartbeat, and I wanted to share it with you.
So...sitting here, I just came to the realization that there are some people that were born into my life - people that are a part of my world, by genetics only. People that could care less whether I live or breathe. People that can go for years without talking to me - and when they do find that they have to talk to me, only skim the surface, never caring to ask real questions about my life, or what's happening.But it's all gonna be ok! :)
God has given us friends to make up for that! Friends that I have stronger bonds with than 90% of my family. Friends that have gotten to know me on a more intimate level in the past years, months or even weeks, than some of my family members will ever know about me. In a way, I guess that's sad. But on the other hand, coming to that realization has totally freed me.
Now I truly don't have to worry what they think about me: Am I too country? Am I too fat? Am I too "spiritual?" Am I too willing to hang out with the kids, and not have "grown up" conversation? Am I too unfashionable? Am I too me? And maybe I am all those things...but you know what? God made me to be exactly who I am - so I'm gonna be that person with every fiber of my being! And if it offends some people? Then they weren't meant to be a longstanding part of my life anyway. I'll still love them. I'll still bless them. And I'll still pray for them. But I'll do it "from afar."We absolutely CANNOT allow ourselves to get so wrapped up in trying to please everyone else, that we forget who we truly are - who God made us to be. Cause one day, all the "fun," money and status is going to fall away, and all we're going to be left with is the cold hard reality of who we really are. We won't be able to hide behind our popularity, our bank account, our well-stocked closets, or thousands of surface friends - we'll be held accountable for the lives we changed; the cashier at the store that we blessed by smiling; the child that sees love for the first time when you give them a hug after they've had a hard day; the man that has lost everything, that has been treated as a nobody by society for so long - you smile at him, give him a coat and invite him in for a meal; the woman who is raising her children alone, and has no one to look after them - you open your home to them, and social and racial walls are broken down - not to mention the deep hurts that are repaired.
I've learned a lot in the past 7 months. God has done an awesome work in my life, and I am praying that He continues to mold me and change me. I praise God that He has given me a chance to change! That He never gave up on me! That He allowed me to see the error of my ways while I'm still young so that I can be the change for my family! So that my future children will start day one with the knowledge that ALL people are children of God, and we should treat them as such! We are called to be the Hands and Feet of God on this earth! So let's walk out in it!!!
World Mandate Prayer Rally
So the church had three days of corporate prayer and fasting from Monday to Wednesday that culminated in a prayer rally that was held on Wednesday night. At least 1,500 people gathered last night at the church to seek the face of God, to experience corporate and individual breakthrough, as well as miraculous healing!
Oooooooooooooooh! God is good! :)
Sharon and I got to be a part of an awesome healing moment! :)
The service was set up in such a way that we worshiped and pray all throughout. We would have 3 or 4 songs, and then Jimmy (the pastor) would come up and present a prayer topic. And then we would pray. Sometimes we would pray in groups of two or three, other times we would pray individually, but my favorite was when we prayed with “one voice” – if you’ve never experienced this, and have the ability to get a group of people together, DO IT!!! :)
“One Voice”
It’s probably a pretty simple concept…and all of you probably already know what I’m talking about. But I had never heard of it before, nor have ever been a part of it until recently, so I’ll explain :)
Everyone is giving a topic to life up in prayer, and it is done in “one voice.” Meaning that EVERYONE prays OUT LOUD at the SAME TIME! The power of the Spirit is sooooo awesome in those moments – almost to the point of being totally overwhelming!!! The coolest part is that as you are praying, there is just a dome of prayer all around you and you know that the throne of Heaven is being flooded by the prayers of the Saints!!! :) How freeing is that?!?!?! :D
You know you wanna try it!!! :D So go for it!
Prayer Rally, Part II :)
So anyway, we were praying through different things in preparation for this weekend, but also individually seeking God’s face on things that we were expecting breakthrough in.
One of the prayer topics was on healing – physical, emotional and spiritual. They invited those that had had physical problems for many years, and especially those that had terminal diseases to come to the front to be prayed over by the healing team. Those of us not on the prayer time and not seeking physical healing were asked to gather with 2-3 people and pray for the healing to come in those at the front physically, but then to lift up the emotional and spiritual needs as well. Sharon and I had just turned to one another to begin praying when the lady in front of us (the lady is Donna. She is an older lady that we all first connected with this summer when we all went to The Feast together. Then come to find out, she is also in Elevate PM with Sharon and David. She is an absolutely precious woman that was dealt a pretty rough hand – but she has persevered and overcome! And she is constantly giving ALL glory to the only One that could have turned her situation around! :) - turned around, grabbed Sharon and said I want you to pray for me. Apparently she has had arthritis for many years, and it has pained her greatly – especially in her knees. This summer she went on a mission trip and when she left the states, she was hurting so badly that she had to rely on a cane to help her get around. By the time she got back, due to the prayers of the people on the team with her, she no longer needed the cane, but the pain wasn’t completely gone. Through the ensuing months, she’s had several people pray healing over her, and her right knee has been completely healed, but her left knee is causing her major pain, and hinders her ability to just full out run with everything God has put in her heart! So, she wanted prayer last night, and wanted us to pray that the left knee would be completely healed! She had faith it was going to happen, and so did we, so we got down to business!
Sharon and I put our hands on her swollen knee, and began praying. Commanding healing and asking that God would touch Donna in new and miraculous ways. The first time we prayed, Donna was standing up with her left leg propped up in the chair, and Sharon and I were kneeling around it. While we were praying, all of a sudden, she yanked her leg down started jerking it up and down, and said, “It bends! I can bend it! It doesn’t hurt so bad any more!!!” She was ecstatic and so were we! :) But the healing wasn’t complete!
What I’ve Learned Regarding Praying for Healing
1. Never close your eyes. Always be watchful of the person’s overall well being and the specific site you are praying for. Major things happen sometimes, and you surely don’t want to miss out on what God has to show you! :) And while healing is going on, the Holy Spirit is in the person in an extremely powerful way, and you never know how He will manifest Himself! So you have to be ready to ease the person down if they start getting unstable.
2. It’s ok to stop your prayer! :) The Holy Spirit understands that we are not perfect, and therefore do not have a perfect line of communication between here and Heaven. So, we need to frequently stop praying and ask the person what they are feeling, if the pain has moved or changed, lessened or worsened, etc. The more information we get, the more pointed and effective our prayers can be! :)
3. If change is occurring, keep praying! If you pray for a few minutes, stop and ask the person what they are feeling, and the pain has changed in any way, you know for sure that the Spirit is moving, so pray again! We go through this cycle until healing is complete, or there is no change occurring!
4. It’s good to ask the pain to go away, but it’s also ok to command it to get gone! “In the name of Jesus, we command this pain to be gone!” How powerful is that? :) And He wants us to do that! Because it takes a ton of faith to say it, and He wants us to be continually building our faith!
Prayer Rally, Part III
So, she sat down on the chair, and Sharon and I once again knelt around her and had our hands on her knee. In this new position, it wound up that one of my fingers was crossed across one of Sharon’s. We began praying, thanking God for what He’d already done, but asking that He come more. Petitioning Him to not only minister to Donna’s knee, but to minister to her heart and mind as well! And it was incredible! We looked up at her, and she was in another world with her savior! You could see it all over her face! She was positively glowing! We didn’t feel overwhelmed to keep using words, so we simply sat and held her knee, while watching her bask in the glory of God, and keeping an eye on her knee. When we started, her knee was absolutely huge, fiercely swollen! As we say there watching it, the coolest thing happened: it started to deflate! :D It wasn’t some fast thing that went “whoosh!” Instead, it was extremely slow, like someone was pulling apart the opening of a balloon that had been blown up but not tied off yet! It slowly began to go down, and as we watched, the finger of mine that had just barely been on Sharon’s went further and further onto it! :) It was incredible! God is gooooooooooooooood! :D
Healing in the House!
So…in the midst of telling all about my airport adventure at the beginning of the month, I totally forgot to tell about the excitement I got to experience in Georgia!
December 27th was a Saturday and Marcia’s birthday. Mama and I were going to take her out to dinner that evening, but that day I was craving a lazy, post-holiday, do absolutely nothing that you do not absolutely have to do kind of day! :) So we watched a Christmas movie I had taped off LMN, read, and then took a nap! :) When I woke up, Mama had already gotten up, gotten ready and was getting ready to iron her clothes. I jumped in the shower, and as I came out of the bathroom, Mama was making pain-filled noises, and was all hunched over the ironing board. I asked her what in the world was wrong, and she said that her side/stomach had been killing her since she had woken up, and at this point it was causing so much pain, she told me that Marcia and I were just going to have to go by ourselves.
***If you know Mama at all, you know that it was completely out of character for her to even be acknowledging that she was in pain, but for her to say that she was going to stay home! Why that was just too much!
By this time, she was sitting on my toy box, doubled over, and kind of rocking back and forth. I held my hand out to her and told her to put it where the pain was. She told me she wouldn’t be able to stretch out until she was lying down, so she hobbled, doubled over across the house and got on her bed. She put my hand on the pain, and was pressing it pretty hard, so I just kept the pressure there after she let go. I prayed that God would heal her, but then prayed that if it was something that truly needed medical attention, that He would make it even more unbearable, so that my stubborn mama would know beyond the shadow of a doubt that she needed to get to the hospital.
I stopped and asked her how it felt, and she said she wouldn’t know without walking. So she got up and started walking around the room, pressing on her side, but not saying anything. I finally started probing, and she said that she didn’t know if it was still hurting a little because there was still pain there or if it was all the pressure that had been applied to that spot causing soreness. She started to leave the room to go back and iron her clothes and I quickly stopped her in her tracks explaining about our “if God’s moving, keep praying” motto. So I got her back and prayed thankfulness over what He had already done but that He would even remove the soreness if that was what was causing the left over pain, and that He would complete the healing!
I stopped again and said, “Well…?” She wasn’t saying anything, but was pushing on her side, and walking around the room, and the she headed across the house. I jum’ped off the bed and followed her and said, “Well?!?” again. She turned and said, “It is completely gone! It doesn’t hurt AT ALL!”
How exciting!!! :)
Part II
On Saturday, 1/10, we had company over. It was Sharon’s cashier from WalMart, her husband and her daughter. After dinner, the kids and I played Monopoly in Davis’ bedroom, and the adults talked in the living room. They stayed until almost 9, so when they left, I was getting the kids ready for bed (Davis normally goes to bed at 7:30, and Samantha goes to bed at 8:00 – so this was really late for them!), as Sharon and David were cleaning up in the kitchen. I had gone into the bathroom to take out my contacts, wash my face, and brush my teeth, when Samantha is at my door doing a play-by-play telling me how Sharon just popped a blood vessel. Then she tells me what it looks like and that apparently it hurts a lot cause Sharon keeps “squinching up” her face and saying, “This really hurts!” By the time I got out, everyone was gathered in Davis’ room for bedtime prayer, but also to take a gander at the burst blood vessel. :) (Yes. We ARE easily amused! lol) She just kept repeating over and over that it really hurt, and how she didn’t know a burst blood vessel could hurt so much! (by the way, it was on the palm of her hand – can’t remember which one now… - in that fleshy area right below her thumb. I finally got it and asked why we weren’t praying healing for it. She jumped on the wagon, and the kids and I laid our hands on it and began petitioning! Davis prayed, then Samantha, then Davis again and then Sharon. We stopped and I said, “Well…?”
***If you haven’t noticed, that’s my question of choice when praying for people I know. Cause they know what I’m asking, instead of me having to try and probe it out of them! :D
She just smiled and said, “No more pain.”
I took the prayer of thanksgiving, and then Samantha and Davis began to tell us how the color had moved out of her hand and disappeared as they sat there and watched it – Sharon and I openly admitted that we had shut our eyes – force of habit – and so we missed it! But it was truly awesome!
See! God wants to meet us in ALL areas of our lives! Not just in the HUGE things, but in the little things as well! He wants us to be completely dependent on Him! He wants us to cry out to Him when we go to the doctor and he tells us we have cancer, or when we try to walk through the dark house and stub our toe! He wants to meet us in EVERY situation! Nothing is too trivial with God! It blesses His heart to bless ours! Don’t rob either of you of that blessing!
Walk out in the faith! And if you don’t feel like you have much! He’ll meet you in that too! He will restore the faith you’ve lost! And He’ll give you more! All you have to do is be truly open, and ask!
World Mandate 2009
This weekend (1/23-1/25), Sharon, David, Samantha, Davis and I – along with 3,000 others will be gathering at the Ferrell Center – it’s where they have their basketball games - here on the Baylor campus. We are expecting God to show up in MIGHTY ways! We have expectant hearts, that we will all have clarity for the future spoken over us. We’re ready, broken, hungry and waiting, but most of all we’re expectant!
Join us in that prayer! If you happen to think about us anytime in the next 4 days, please just ask that God will bring us to a place where all we hear is Him. Where He is constantly speaking to and through us! Praying for our openness and receptiveness!
Speaking of Clarity…
At LifeGroup each Wednesday, they pass around a clipboard that we put our name, any prayer or praise requests we have, and our VIP – which is a person we are praying salvation for. This list is emailed to all of us so we can lift one another up through the week. My prayer request last week was “Clarity” – plain and simple.
As we stood up and began to worship, Ashley came over and spoke into me. When she left I knew that I needed to journal what she said, so I sat down to do that. While I was writing, I heard “42:9.” I didn’t know what it meant, so I just jotted it down in the margin, and kept on writing. In a few more minutes I heard “Isaiah,” and added it to my note. I finished journaling, and looked it up. Here’s my verse:
“See the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”
In the moment I read that verse, I felt peace. Because what God said to me through this verse was this: Vanessa, don’t be anxious. Look at all I have already done in you. Look how far you’ve come! More is coming! Good stuff is coming! The future that I have planned for you is coming! I won’t just spring it on you, you’ll know ahead of time! You will have time to prepare and adjust! :)
Yeah, I know…my God is good! :D
So I shared it with Ashley that night, and had planned on sharing with Sharon on Thursday. Unfortunately, my plans were derailed when instead of sitting down to a heart to heart when I went out of my room to find her that afternoon, we went and gathered around my car as she asked me what had happened to it. I had not noticed it Wednesday night, because it was the passenger side, and it was 11p when I had gotten home that night. The insurance adjuster said it looks like a truck backed into it with the corner of their bumper. And of course they didn’t bother to come tell me they hit it. That’s why insurance is important! The repairs are estimated at $1,100! It’s ridiculous! In good news, the headlight still works, so I have time to find a good place. Amanda’s father has a friend in Dallas that does things like this, so she’s trying to find out if he’d be able to do it for me.
I went to breakfast with Amanda on Saturday and shared my verse with her, and when I got home for our time, the family was at the table eating lunch. After lunch, the kids were playing in Davis’ room and Sharon, David and I were sitting around the table while Sharon was beginning to catch me up on Elevate. As she was talking, we all began to talk about how expectant we were for this week, and how we were just so excited to find out what God has in store for each of us! As she was talking, I was reminded that I had never shared my verse with her! I happened to have my Bible in my hand from my time with Amanda, so I pulled it out and told them the story of Wednesday night, and then read them the verse. About halfway through it, Sharon started quietly chuckling. I was quite shocked, and if I’m being completely honest, quite upset that she was laughing at me. David had just been nodding his head the whole time and said, “That’s great!” when I finished. I looked over at her and asked her why she was laughing, and she said, “Flip over to 43 and read verses 18 and 19.” I did, and as I was reading them, I began to chuckle. By this time, David was completely confused, and so Sharon asked me to read them aloud.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
Are you chuckling with us yet? If not, you should be! :) The verses are almost identical. She went on to explain that she had gotten her verse during her quiet time on Monday. We all quickly decided that God is definitely moving, and preparing us for the path He has made for us! And we’re all obviously on the same page (in a manner of speaking ;) ), so whatever He has coming for all of us, there will be peace in the decision.
Excitement Abounds!
Ed is proposing to Amanda next Saturday, January 31st! And we get to be there for it! :) He’s proposing at the tennis courts at Baylor (the love to play tennis, and God told him that was where he was to propose), and all of us – LifeGroup members, friends and family – are going to come out of the shadows with those candles they use during candlelight services at church with the little paper wax-catcher thing on them. When she sees us coming out with the candles, in his mind’s eye, she’s going to look at us, asking what’s going on, and he is going to drop to one knee, so that when she turns back to him, he has the ring out and proposes!!! :D
Needless to say, I’m pretty stoked about that! :D I don’t know if I could be much happier if it was my own fairy tale! :) Sometime I will have to write their story for you! :) It’s great!
One More Thing…
Right before we left for Christmas in Georgia, Davis had Samantha help him rearrange his room one afternoon, and they put his bed against the wall that he and I share. I thought he was doing it just to open his room up and have more space, but soon found out differently.
The first night, I was awakened ALL NIGHT LONG as he thrashed and flailed about the bed – I’ve always known he’s a rough sleeper, but I’ve never shared a wall with him before! – and would crash into the wall! The first time it happened, I thought someone was trying to break into the house and I about had heart failure. I soon got used to him smacking into the wall as he is sleeping, and now when it wakes me – the 4 or 5 times a night it happens - I just roll over and quickly go back to sleep.
Came back from Georgia, and had to readjust myself to the crashing.
The second night back, I was sound asleep when I heard knocking. I quickly reached for my phone and saw that it was 1:37a. I couldn’t figure out who would be here at that hour, and then became paranoid that someone was outside my bedroom trying to get in before I realized that if they were going to harm me, they probably wouldn’t be knocking… (yes, I know you’re probably shaking your head and laughing at me right now! :P But you have to remember that I had been awoken from a sound sleep, to knocking!) I got up the nerve to answer my door, and when I did, there was no one there. So I laid back down. I had gotten to the point where I was almost back asleep and it happened again. Three consecutive knocks. I opened my door, only to find that, once again, no one was there. By this time I thought I had lost my mind, and was just having a horrible dream. The third time it happened, I was on a mission. I went slowly walking down the hall, and as I got to the end, saw all kinds of light streaming out from under Davis’ door. I opened it to find him sitting up in the middle of his bed, with the overhead light on. I asked him if he had been knocking, and he informed me that three knocks meant, “Get In Here!” Of course I had no prior knowledge of this, so I had been delayed in my response.
This happened 5 nights in the first two weeks I was back. He said that he was having awful nightmares. I would go in, turn the overhead light off, tuck him back into bed, lay hands on him and pray. I never asked what the nightmares were, because I didn’t want him reliving them.
So far, this week it hasn’t happened at all. He has slept soundly and only crashed into the wall 2-3 times each night versus the 4-5 it had been. So we’re making improvement! :) When I go to pray over him, part of my prayer is always that God will put His angels shoulder to shoulder in a circle all around the bed. When I pray that, that is when he starts to relax, and he’s out a very few seconds later.
So, if you think about Davis, just lift him up, We’re going on one week! Let’s go on to two! Then a month! And then a forever! :)
God can do it! :) We just have to trust Him for it! :)
I love you all!