Woohoo! God answered prayers, and provided me with a job today! :) I will be starting at Target (as soon as they get the results back from my drug screening and background check, they will call to set up Orientation!) as a day shift cashier! :)
As God would have it, one of the girls from LifeGroup also works at Target, and she has been praying for more "light" to come into Target, so needless to say, we're both pretty happy about this! :D
The guy, Jimmy, that conducted my interview was extremely complimentary of me, and seemed to think that I have major potential to move up the "ladder" pretty quickly! :) He said that I interviewed very well, was extremely well spoken, and had an excellent background to be so young! :) (So, suffice it to say that kind of made my day! :D )
However, if you know me well, you know how I love cash registers! (When I was little, my dream was to one day work at Belk so I could use their GINORMOUS cash registers!!! :D ) So, I will be completely happy to stay in this first position as long as God sees fit to keep me there! :D
Anyway, thank you ALL so, so much for your prayers during this transition!!!
Love you bunches!
As God would have it, one of the girls from LifeGroup also works at Target, and she has been praying for more "light" to come into Target, so needless to say, we're both pretty happy about this! :D
The guy, Jimmy, that conducted my interview was extremely complimentary of me, and seemed to think that I have major potential to move up the "ladder" pretty quickly! :) He said that I interviewed very well, was extremely well spoken, and had an excellent background to be so young! :) (So, suffice it to say that kind of made my day! :D )
However, if you know me well, you know how I love cash registers! (When I was little, my dream was to one day work at Belk so I could use their GINORMOUS cash registers!!! :D ) So, I will be completely happy to stay in this first position as long as God sees fit to keep me there! :D
Anyway, thank you ALL so, so much for your prayers during this transition!!!
Love you bunches!
WOW, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! I know you will definitely be a "ray of sunshine" in Target. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer.